Council of Europe to vote on creationism next week
By Tom Heneghan, Religion Editor
Tue Sep 25, 12:48 PM ET
PARIS (Reuters) - Europe's main human rights body will vote next week on a resolution opposing the teaching of creationist and intelligent design views in school science classes.
The Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly will debate a resolution saying attacks on the theory of evolution were rooted "in forms of religious extremism" and amounted to a dangerous assault on science and human rights.
The resolution, on the agenda for October 4, says European schools should "resist presentation of creationist ideas in any discipline other than religion." It describes the "intelligent design" argument as an updated version of creationism.
Anne Brasseur, an Assembly member from Luxembourg who updated an earlier draft resolution, said the vote was due in June but was postponed because some members felt the original text amounted to an attack on religious belief.
Only minor changes have been made to the initial draft.
"There are different views of the creation of the world and we respect that," she told Reuters. "The message we wanted to send was to avoid creationism passing itself off as science and being taught as science. That's where the danger lies."
The Council, based in the eastern French city of Strasbourg, oversees human rights standards in member states and enforces decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.
If passed, the resolution would not be binding on its 47 member states but would reflect widespread opposition among politicians to teaching creationism in science class.
Creationism says God made the world in six days as depicted in the Bible. Intelligent design argues some life forms are too complex to have evolved according to Charles Darwin's theory and needed an unnamed higher intelligence to develop as they have.
Some conservatives in the United States, both religious and secular, have long opposed the teaching of evolution in public schools but U.S. courts have regularly barred them from teaching what they describe as religious views of creation.
Pressure to teach creationism is weaker in Europe, but has been mounting. An Assembly committee took up the issue because a shadowy Turkish Muslim publishing group has been sending an Islamic creationist book to schools in several countries.
Supporters of intelligent design want it taught in science class alongside evolution. A U.S. court ruled this out in a landmark decision in 2005, dismissing it as "neo-creationism."
"The aim of this report is not to question or to fight a belief," Brasseur wrote in a memorandum added to the new resolution. "It is not a matter of opposing belief and science, but it is necessary to prevent belief from opposing science."
She said the resolution also shortened references in the resolution to "evolution by natural selection" to "evolution" because some members had misunderstood the reference to natural selection to be an attack on their religious beliefs.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
babak baru perang creationism vs evolutionism
1:51:00 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face
The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave
To the night and the empty skies my love
To the night and the empty skies
The first time ever I kissed your mouth
I felt the earth turn in my hand
Like the trembling heart of a captive bird
That was there at my command my love
That was there at my command
The first time ever I lay with you
And felt your heart beat close to mine
I thought our joy would fill the earth
And would last till the end of time my love
And would last till the end of time
The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave
To the night and the empty skies my love
To the night and the empty skies
9:43:00 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
sejarah sudah mati
begitu kata seorang pemateri dalam diskusi soal manajemen Minggu, 16 September 2007.
yang pasti hanyalah perubahan, setiap hari.
orang tidak diberi kesempatan untuk mengingat masa lampau.
dekorasi toko, slogan iklan, tampilan produk, dan semua aksesoris yang menyertainya.
kesejatian berbungkus perubahan.
karena itu "history is dead"...
susah mengajak anak muda zaman sekarang menelisik sejarah. mereka tidak diberi kesempatan untuk menghirup udara segar, apalagi menoleh sejenak ke belakang.
kata kunci berikutnya: differensiasi.
berani untuk berbeda. segmentasi pasar?
ya, itulah dua kiat untuk survive dalam pertarungan pasar modern: berubah dan berbeda.
sebelum cahaya
aahhh... lagi-lagi letto!
bisa-bisanya dia berkisah tentang diriku. hahaha... ke-ge-er-an niiih. tapi, asik banget loh, coba simak. apalagi di dalam kegelapan malam. wuuiiihhh...
Sebelum Cahaya
kuteringat hati
yang bertabur mimpi
kemana kau pergi, cinta
perjalanan sunyi
engkau tempuh sendiri
kuatkanlah hati, cinta
ingatkah engkau kepada
embun pagi bersahaja
yang menemanimu sebelum cahaya
ingatkah engkau kepada
angin yang berhembus mesra
yang kan membelaimu cinta
kekuatan hati yang berpegang janji
genggamlah tanganku, cinta
ku tak akan pergi meninggalkanmu sendiri
temani hatimu, cinta
ingatkah engkau kepada
embun pagi bersahaja
yang menemanimu sebelum cahaya
ingatkah engkau kepada
angin yang berhembus mesra
yang kan membelaimu, cinta
ku teringat hati
yang bertabur mimpi
kemana kau pergi, cinta
perjalanan sunyi
engkau tempuh sendiri
kuatkanlah hati, cinta
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
somewhere out there
lorong kamar-kamar dan cahaya di ujung jalan
dari ketinggian, semuanya tampak begitu kecil
kota metropolitan menggeliat di pagi hari
9:11:00 PM